
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Clippin' The Wings of Time!

What day and month is it, even?  It can't be 7/7 already!
Hiya, Friends!  Boy, I'll tell ya what.  Time sure is flying like a dang ol' jet plane, isn't it?  It seems like I went to bed one night and it was May 31st, and I was doing magic tricks with Grampa's car and making it beep without touching it, and the next thing I know, it's the seventh of July already.

Is it always like this?  Does time always fly like it has a couple wings and a jet engine?

It's craziness.

Don't think I'm complainin' because I'm having a lousy summer.  I'm not!  I'm havin' a great summer!  I love this summer!  I've gotten to do a buncha really neat things already, and there's still a buncha really cool things left to do, but wow!  It's all going so fast!

Play it cool, Friends.  I'm gonna give Time a speedin' ticket!
I just don't wanna wake up one of these mornings and find out it's Christmas again already! Again, I'm not complainin' about Christmas.  I love Christmas!  I just love the other days in the year, too, and wanna give 'em their fair shake!  I'm not one of those little kids always counting down the minutes until Christmas.  I'm aware of when Christmas is, I like to see the numbers get smaller, but I also like the moment I'm in right now, usually.  I like presents as much as the next little kid, but I think right now is a present, too, and I wanna enjoy it!

That's why I propose we grab Time and give him a speedin' ticket.  A good talkin' to about not rushing us through things so fast!

I imagine that if Time drives a car, it's some fancy European jobby with twelve cylinders, geared so low it'll pass everything on the road except a filling station.  That's when we'll get him, Friends.  'Cause a car like that, you'll know it when they pull into the fillin' station.  I imagine they let out a telltale roar, cars like that!

And we'll be waitin' for him, that Time, Friends. 

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