
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Let It Go! Let It Go!

I didn't make the cut, so I'll hafta Let It Go, Let It Go! I won't hold on any longer!
Hiya, Friends!  Recently, I tried out for my company's VoiceIdolXTalent competition.  It's like any number of singing-competition shows you watch on your television. 

I sang a medley of popular tunes and I think I really did a bang-up job, but the "judges" said I oughtta try a tune with some handles on it so it'd be easier for me to carry it.  I thought that was uncalled for, but I do accept that there are better VoiceIdolXTalent contenders in my company. 

For instance, the Little Giraffes banded together and formed... well, they formed a band.  And they're really good.  Pidgie McDougall can yodel like she's from the Swiss Alps.  Good for her!  The entire Accounting Department did this whole acapella thing.

I will say that I was excessively nervous during my audition.  I was nervous that the "judges" would say something like I needed a tune with handles on it so I could carry it easier.  And then it came true.  I still haven't decided whether I think I couldn't sing very well that day because I was so nervous, or if they really were onto something. 

Either way, I'm lettin' it go.  I'm not holding on to my sour feelings toward the "judges" in the audition.  I reserve the right to use "air quotes" every time I speak about the "judges," but I'm not holdin' on to any more ill feelings toward them.  I know I can sing pretty well.  I sing to Rozzie all the time, and she doesn't bark at me.  That's something.  I can sing along to the music in the car, and Mommy and Daddy know what song I'm singing, so that's something. 

Those "judges," anyway.  At least I was brave enough to put myself out there like I did.  I don't see any of those "judges" doing anything ever, except bein' all judgy.  I mean, I guess that's what they do, but I like a little more well-roundedness in people. 

Oh, well.  Hey, I'm gonna go play on my swing and slide, so I'll see ya tomorrow, Friends!  Sing like nobody's listening!  I sure will be!  Muah!

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