
Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Day! MayDay! May! Day!

Got any May Day plans?
Hiya, Friends!  Well, it's May Day all over again!  The First of May.  Five-one-fourteen.

I think we oughtta dance!
Good golly, it seems like it was yesterday that we were ringin' in the New Year, and now we're already on the First of May.

Do you have any plans for May Day?  Are ya doin' anything special, Friends?

In my Big Board Book of History and Traditions, I read that it's a tradition to leave little baskets of flowers on your neighbors' doors on May Day.  The thing of it is, where I live, it's so cold that any flowers left on my neighbors' doors would freeze pertineer solid, I think.

All is not lost, though, Friends!  I decided insteadda puttin' flowers on people's doors, I'd WEAR flowers and BE May Day.  How about that?! Even if I say so myself, that's clever.  Clever as all get-out!
It's good to laugh on this May Day, Friends!

Another tradition I read about is that people usedta dance around a Maypole for May Day.  I misunderstood this tradition as "dancing around with maple," and thinking like I do, my mind immediately went to dancing around while enjoying maple candies.  That's the version I'm choosing to stick with, Friends.  May poles sound pointless.  Maple is delicious.  You decide, Friends.  Pointless or delicious.  I think you know I'll side with 'delicious' every time!

There you have it, Friends!  There's May Day for you!  I'm sure happy that the weather's gonna wanna hafta warm up pretty soon.  It's good to be here on May Day! 

I love ya, Friends!  I'll see ya tomorrow!  Big hugs and kisses!  Muah!

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