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I have the jet lag, and I didn't even go anywhere! |
You see, it all started on Friday. Usually, I have custody of my Daddy on Fridays. On Mondee, Tuesdee, Wednesdee, and Thursdee, Daddy pretty much just sees me for a few minutes before he goes to work and then again for about an hour at night, before I go to bed. That really stinks, and I LIVE for Fridays with Daddy!
But last Friday, Daddy had to go to a meeting at the time he regularly starts work, and then he went somewheres to pick up something for one of the cars, and he didn't even get home in order to put me to bed! I had to listen to Mommy read me my bedtime stories, and that just isn't right, because it's Daddy's job to read me my bedtime stories, and I didn't like the change at all!
Then Saturday felt more like a Friday, really. We went to Corning to pick up some stuff at Sam's Sandals Club, and we ate and went to Lowe's to buy some plants, and then we went to Friendly's, and I thought we'd never get outta there. But Saturday had a Friday feel to me, just the same.
On Sunday, I got to see Aunt Colleen and Uncle Lorentz, which was great fun, but because they usually come up the ol' ding-dang on Friday nights so I can see 'em on Saturdays on the weekends they're here, but this time, they didn't come up UNTIL Saturday, so Sunday really had more of a Saturday feel.
Monday, I didn't know what dang day it was. I knew Daddy had to work on Tuesday, but we still stayed over at Gramma's late on Monday night, just like there was another day hooked onto the weekend, which there wasn't, so imagine my surprise and confusion when I woke up on Tuesday, and things were trying to be all normal. I don't even know where yesterday went, so don't ask me.
I'm guessing today's Thursday? Which means my weekend starts again at the end of today. That's great! I love my weekends! Maybe I can get back on track from the No-Trip JetLag I've been experiencing all darned week this week. I don't know.
I do know that I love the heck right outta ya, though, Friends! And I'll see ya tomorrow, whatever day that is! Muah!
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