
Friday, October 10, 2014

Incorporating Whimsy Into the Everyday

I'm a Lucky Charms marshmallow with a splasha milk!
Hiya, Friends! Well, as you know, Halloween is three weeks away from today.  That means that you still have a few days to get your costume around.

As I mentioned earlier this week, you don't hafta go hog-wild and wear and over-the-top Halloween costume in order to have fun participating in the Halloween Holiday.  Nope!

I mean, check me out in the picture to the left.  I'm wearing regular clothes, such as the type I would wear to my workplace.  But on top, I've added a white foam crown. 

You might think I'm some type of princess, on accounta that crown, but look closer at it.  Doesn't it look like a droppa milk, splashing in a bowl?  Doesn't it?  ... Well, zoom in a little.  Shake out your eyes.  ... Got it?  ... I told ya!

So, a princess would be okay.  Nothing wrong with that.  But.  With the powers of imagination, and a cheerfully-pastel-colored frock, I am not a princess.  I am a Lucky Charms marshmallow, topped with a delicious and nutritious splasha milk!

Halloween creativity, Friends.  Powered by just my regular clothes, a fun and easy-to-wear accessory, and some good old-fashioned imagination.  How about that?!  You can do it, too, Big People.  Just put on your thinking caps, or thinking cape.  Whatever makes you think.

You have three weeks!  Muah!

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