
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sing Out Loud!

Sing like everybody's listenin', 'cause you're really good at singing!
Hiya, Friends!  Happy Sunday to you!

Hey, have you ever put on your favorite song and used a Vitamin C Lollipop as a microphone as you put on a lip-sync show for your stuffed animals and your pal Rozzie the Dog? ... Okay.  Maybe not your pal Rozzie the Dog.  I realize that I might just have a very unique pal in my Rozzie.  But... You get my point.

Well, today, I'm puttin' on a concert for my stuffed animals and my pal Rozzie the Dog.  I'm puttin' on my favorite music (Psssst!  It's the Frozen soundtrack: SURPRISE!) and I'm gonna sing all those songs right the heck out loud, insteadda lip-synching 'em! 

I think the experts call that "Belting it right out!"  And that's what I'm gonna do, Friends.

I think you should, too.  Friends, channel your inner rock star, grab yourself a Vitamin C Lollipop microphone, and belt out your favorite musics!

I love ya, Friends!  Lots!  I'll see ya tomorrow!  Muah!

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