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I hope there's lotsa ice cream and popcorn in store for me in the Month of June! |
Well, it looks as though we've reached the End of the Month of May, and tomorrow when we wake up, it'll be June.
June, June, June.
The first montha summer.
Friends, am I alone in feeling like we just got here in May? I feel like we just flipped the calendars over from April. This is a really weird paradox, because May is one of the longest months of the year.
Well, it is, too. Think about it. We have February, that little shorty, weighing in at twenty-eight days. Twenty-nine if it's Leap Year. Big whoop. Then the months of April, June, September, and November contain thirty days each, as per that lousy poem that starts out all promising with rhyme and meter and then just unravels to a palavering about the number of days in each month, very nearly as prosey as the paragraph you're reading right now.
Anyways, the months that contain thirty-one days- January, March, MAY, July, August, October, and December. That's seven out of the twelve. And May's one of 'em. Yet, May flew by faster than the short little month of February this year.
You know what I think it is, Big People? It was an unusually nice month, weather-wise, this May. Just about every day was just a Chamber of Commerce Weather-day, practically tailor-made for some kinda brochure. It's so much easier to enjoy life when the weather's nice, and you don't hafta worry about your cheeks freezing solid if you go outside. ... What's that? ... Oh, Big Person, I'm talkin' about either setta cheeks freezing solid. It was cold this last winter. I almost felt like I was living inside Little House on the Prairie or something, with the fierce winter.
But tomorrow's June. I wonder what June has in store for us, Friends. I hope it's gonna be a good one, all the way around. I'll see you there, bright-n-early, mmmkay? I love ya lots! Muah!
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