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I hope I do as gooda job at Four as I did with Three! |
Well, Friends, this is my last day of bein' Three Years Old. I don't mean to keep dwellin' on this, but it's a big deal to me to be turning Four, after bein' Three for literally a quarter of my whole entire life. It seems a little weird and scary to be thinkin' about not bein' Three anymore after today.
Don't get me wrong. I'm really lookin' to bein' Four. Three was good to me, but Four holds so much excitement I can hardly stand it.
I mean, since I'll be Four tomorrow, I think I'll pretty much get to go play on my swingset all by myself. I won't hafta wait around for Mommy or Daddy to push me on the swing. I can get myself on a swing now. I'll be able to use my slide on my own, with less supervision. Maybe I'll get to spend more time in the yard, Just Me, without somebody else (MOMMY!!!) constantly hovering around me.
Also, as a Four-Year-Old, I plan on helping get food in Rozzie's food dish. I've dabbled in this pastime, and as it turns out, I love feeding Rozzie, and I'm pretty good at it. I'm also looking forward to being more helpful around the house. You Big People might think this is just nutso, but for a Little Kid, bein' asked to Help Out, and given a task and real tools to use, like the real broom, or the real mop, or a cloth and real squirt bottle for the windows... it really just makes the heck right outta a Little Kid's day.
Maybe I'll even be able to help with the laundry and the vacuuming when I'm Four.
I like gettin' bigger, Friends. Bein' a baby was a lot of fun. A LOT of fun. But even I've gotta acknowledge that my world was pretty teeny-tiny when I was a baby. My diet was bland and boring or blended up. Gettin' bigger is where it's at, and that's really great, because that seems to be the direction in which I head.
Hey. I love the heck right outta ya, Big People! I'll be seein' ya tomorrow- on my BIRTHDAY! I've never had a birthday on a Wednesday before, so I think it'll be a new adventure! Have a great Tuesday! Muah!
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