
Saturday, October 26, 2013

In Case of a Mess-Up

First, admit the wrongness and don't let it ruin your day.
Hiya, Friends!  You know me.  I try really hard to do things right, to pass along the right information and such, but sometimes, I just get it all wrong.  Yes, I do.  I think all of us, despite our best intentions, gets it wrong every so often, you know?

I have this system I do, when I get things wrong.  Wanna hear about it?

Well, it's what I'm going to talk about today, so if you don't wanna hear it, you can surf away and come back tomorrow.  No hurt feelings!

You still here?  Good!

First of all, when I make a mistake, I own up to it.  I say, 'Hey! I've made a mistake!'  It's so important to acknowledge a mistake, otherwise, it can snowball, and snowball, and snowball!
Then go like this with your arms and tell yourself to try again!

Next, I try to retrace my steps to see how I goofed up, so maybe I can fix it, and also so I don't make that mistake again.  Learning from your mistakes, I think is what they call it!

Sometimes, I need help, getting myself out of the mistake.  So I ask for it.  There's no shame in asking for help.  Ever.

When you ask for help, what you're getting is another person's perspective.  You get the benefit of their experience, and also, they might be able to think of something you haven't thought of!  How about that?!

Always ask for help when you need it!  I sure do!

The next thing I do is go like this with my arms- see the picture to the right?  That's what I do with my arms, and I also tell myself to try again. Then I go try again!

Mistakes aren't the end of the world!
The thing to remember is not to let a mistake ruin your day or your week.  I mean, some mistakes can be huge.  But that's a different balla wax, Friends.  I'm talking about the ordinary little mistakes we might make, and then beat ourselves up for them when really, we should just shake it right off and move the heck on. 

You know what I'm sayin'?

That's what I'm trying really hard to do, Friends, and I hope you do, too.

I love ya, Friends, and that's no mistake!

See ya tomorrow!


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