I really love ice cream! |
Hiya, Big People! Well, if it isn't Monday all over again. Mondays are like milkin' the cows, I'd imagine. Not that I've ever milked the cows, but I understand it's kinda repetitive. First ya march all the cows into the milkin' parlor, or maybe you bring 'em in one-by-one if ya don't have a giant automated milkin' parlor, ya milk, milk, milk 'em, then ya get 'em all headed back outside once again. It's a lot of work. A lotta lot of work. The sun sets, you go to bed, and first thing in the morning when ya get up, darned if those cows don't need to be milked again.
I guess it hurts 'em if they don't get milked! Poor cows!
That's what Mondays seem like to me, Friends. It seems like ya just get done doing a Monday-load of work, and darned if it isn't Monday all over again, and ya have to start from the beginning.
Well... it's good to be needed, I suppose.
And hey... tomorrow is not Monday. That's something to be happy about! We get just one of those each week, and that's okay in my book!
I love ya lots, Friends! I'll be seein' ya tomorrow! Muah!
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