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Giving away plot spoilers is not the Jedi way! |
Well, yesterday, I traveled to the Arnot Mall and watched the new movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and today, I'd like to tell you all about it! It was a great movie!
The first thing that really struck me is that there's gumball machines and two Fast-n-Furious arcade games, right there in the Regal Cinema! Right there, like that! And bathrooms. Mommy's a bathroom tourist, so of COURSE I had to take her to the bathroom before we went into the theater. You know how it is with Mommies.
Next, Daddy bought me my customary big bucket-o-popcorn and boxa Junior Mints, but this time, insteadda all of us sharin' a fizzy drink, we each got our very own! OUR VERY OWN! If you think that right there made me feel like a Big Cheese, oh, my goodness, would you ever be right!
We got special glasses to wear in the theater, and we arrived extra-early. I was really, really happy that we'd bought the big bucket-o-popcorn and that I had my very own fizzy drink. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure I woulda starved and thirsted myself right to death, waiting for the movie to start!
And then, about ten minutes before the appointed time the movie was supposed to start, the lights went down and the magic came on the screen. Commercials! Dozens and dozens of commercials. Normally, when I'm watching the television at my house, when the commercials come on, I have one of my Big People bloop through the commercials, but there's something magical about seein' 'em on the Big Screen!
Just when I thought the movie was gonna start, you'll never guess what happened! The previews came on! And they were all in 3-D! Those glasses came in handy, besides being extremely stylish! There's a new Kung Fu Panda coming out soon, and I felt like Kung Fu Panda was speaking right to me, and was about to reach out and grab my face or something!
There was a half hour of previews! I don't know about you, Friends, but I think that really adds value to the price of my movie ticket. It's like all kindsa bonus material, those previews! I thoroughly enjoyed all of them!
The movie was exciting. Things happened long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. But the people in the long ago time and far away place were really relatable! They had their problems, just like you and me. They had triumphs and tragedies in their lives. They had to deal with traffic and crappy bosses and impossible projects at work. You know the kind I'm talking about. Why, I'll betchya some of those people even had to fill out TPS Reports every day. That one guy seemed like the kinda crappy boss who gets all giddy about TPS Reports. And that other guy. Boy, I betchya he gets downright homicidal if you take any of his pens from his desk.
Even in galaxies far, far away, long, long ago, people were just tryin' to put in a day's work, you know? So I found the movie highly easy to relate to. I highly recommend it.
Thing of it is, since I'd drank a whole lot of my movie theater fizzy drink before the movie even started, by the time it was right toward the end, The Force called me, and I couldn't just send it to voicemail. I think Mommy was a little perturbed about havin' to leave the movie right then. I surmise from her reaction and the very fast walk she and I took to and from the potty together, that there was something extremely important going on in the movie, but ignoring The Force when it calls you is just not the Jedi way.
We got back in time to see the end of the movie, anyways, so she has nothing to be all skinny around the nose about. How about that?!
You should go see the movie, Big People! I've given away all I'm gonna about it, though. It's an epic saga of people just tryin' to make their way in a galaxy far away and long ago that isn't really so different from our time and our galaxy right here.
I love ya lots, Friends! I'll see ya tomorrow! Muah!
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