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Ooooh! Manners are tough! |
Some things, I've been working on, they're pretty easy! Learning the sign for "milk," and "apple!" and "banana!"- I love doing my sign-language! Learning how to work the remote and put on a HAH!-key game, easy-peasy! I'm even pretty handy to using the telephone. I took to that like I was born to it! Same way with eating big people food with big people utensils! I stole Mommy's fork right out of her hand one day, and never looked back.
Walking, I struggled with for a little bit. Learning to drink out of a sippy cup- I wasn't blogging here yet, but if you followed along over on the Facebook, you'll know I didn't like the sippy cup very much, but eventually I caught on, and I'm so glad I did. Could you imagine being MY age, wandering around and still drinking out of a BOTTLE?! I mean, I know there's little kids out there that do, but I just wouldn't want to still be drinking out of a bottle. Walking... walking, I had some issues with, until I went to Aunt Colleen's! I wanted to wow her, so I ended up walking all around her living room, and became a toddler!
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Please, won't you help me get manners?! |
But this new New Thing I'm learning, boy does it ever have me all frustrated! You know what it is?
You know how I get all irritated about the way you Big People say one thing, but mean another thing. Well, manners seem like another way to hide what you really want behind BigPeopleSpeak, which is confusing. Or maybe it's just adding extra words to requests, and although I love to talk, I don't see the point of adding extra words!
For instance, when Mommy asks me if I need a nap, I say NO WAY! Short, to-the-point, no extra words. But Mommy says I need to say "No, thank you!" so that I don't sound rude. And now, instead of just getting to say "Yeah!" when she asks me if I want milk, she says I should say "Yeah! Please!" if not "Yes, please!" Why isn't it enough to say "Yeah!" anymore? I remember the first time I did, Mommy said "Yay, Zoe!"
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What?! I got it! I said 'please!' Time to dance! |
There's always something new to learn, Friends. Always a new way to be a better version of yourself. I want to learn to be a better me, so if that means I hafta say "please" and "thank you," and "no thank you," I'm gonna do it. Yes, I will.
But if I yell or let an occasional, or not-so-occasional "NO WAY!" slip, please bear with me and be patient. Remember, I'm still pretty new in the Land of the Big People, and I'm still learning how to fit in.
In the meantime, Friends, I love ya just the same! Yes I do! Muah!
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