We'd better get crackalackin', Friends! Don't worry. I'll be with ya every step of the way. Every side-step, double-step, step-touch, and step-step cha-cha-cha.
What I'm sayin' is we're all in this together, Friends! Now, let's start our Holiday Damage Control Workout! Put on your favorite music and LET'S GO!
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A warmup gets your heart rate up! |
Warmups are a really important part of our workout, Friends. Don't skip it! Warmups are the part that gets your heart rate up, and warms up your muscles, so you won't hafta worry so much about injuring yourself.
Think about a rubber band! When it's all cold, and you try to stretch it, it'll SNAP! Imagine if that were your hammy!
No! Don't use the fear of snapping a cold muscle and hurting yourself as your excuse not to work out! Just warm yourself up properly!
There! I think that oughtta be just about right. Let's move on!
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Put your hands up in the air! It feels great! |
Now, we're gonna ramp up the intensity, just a little bit. You know how we've just been stepping side to side and clapping? Well, now, you're gonna take two steps to the left, and two steps to the right. Do that for a little while! It's lotsa fun!
When you get that part down, you can start throwing your hands in the air at the end of each two steps to the left and two steps to the right. If you're countin' your steps, it'll go Step-together-Step *hands up in the air!*
You can even add in a little bounce, jump, or if you're advanced, a JUMPING JACK!
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Gotchya Squats'll getchya in shape! |
Pretend that you're playin' tag with a little kid- you can pretend that little kid is me, if ya wanna! And just as you're gonna catch me, ya squat down! "Gotchya!" That's how these squats got their name!
We're gonna do twenty-four. If ya need to hold onto the back of a sturdy piece of furniture for balance, do it, and only squat down as far as you can without straining your knees! Keep your weight back in your heels, not in your toes! If your weight's in your toes, you're workin' your quads, and that's cool, but I wantchya to focus on your hiney muscles right now.
If you're advanced, pretend that you're sitting back into a little-kid chair, because I've invited you to a teaparty, and my chairs are really tiny, and you can't say that you don't wanna sit in my little tiny chairs, because if you do, I'll cry. And what kind of a Big Person makes a Little Kid cry like that? Come on! Down ya go! Feel the burn!
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No, you can't just do the last four reps. That doesn't work. |
I know you're feelin' like ya wanna quit, Friends, but remember that the last four reps are the ones that really make a difference. Don't quit. Don't be defeated. You can DO this! Keep good form!
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Stretchin' is like the dessert after your workout! It feels GREAT! |
If it helps ya, think about seein' your muscle fibers stretching while you're stretching them. This is what they mean when they say "mind-muscle connection." It might help ya stretch just a little bit deeper.
Breathe, breathe, breathe, and feel your heart calm right down.
That's something you're gonna wanna remember to do in these days leadin' up to Christmas, Friends. Remember to breathe. It'll calm ya down when people are annoying you. Go to another room and take some nice, deep breaths, and it'll make the stress go away a little bit.
I'm proud of you, Friends, and I love ya! I'll see ya tomorrow! Muah!
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