
Friday, December 27, 2013

I Have A Dream

I'm a kid with lotsa dreams, Friends.  Lotsa dreams!
Hiya, Friends!  How's your Friday going?  Mine's great.  You know what?  Periodically, I have big ambition.  I have dreams. 

And right now is one of those periodicals. 

A little backstory.  As you know, I dream of being a dentist.  I see how my daddy helps people with their teeth.  Sometimes, he can even change someone's life, just by changing their smile, and I think that's awesome.  Sometimes, people are in horrible pain, and Daddy does his thing, and they're not in pain.  I wanna be able to get people outta pain like that!  So I wanna be a dentist.

The trouble is picking which one I wanna follow!
BUT.  I love to play drums, things that look like drums, things that sound like drums but look nothing like a drum, but if you beat on it, it sounds like a drum, and then also I like to sing and shake a tambourine every so often.  In other words, I also wanna be a rock star. 

Thing of it is, I also like to do interpretive dances.  I just love to use movement to tell a story.  It really speaks to me, and it has, ever since I was a little kid.  I just feel so alive when I'm interpretive dancing. 

But then again, I've also always had a fascination with the Moon.  It has always been my dream to one day live on the moon. 

Dr. Zoe, Rockstar Dentist Interpretive Dancer on the Moon!
Here's what I came up with, Friends.  I'll be an interpretive dancing dentist ON THE MOON!  You see, the lesser gravitational pull on the Moon will really take my interpretive dancing to new levels.  I'll be able to dance and twirl and leap with great ease.  And the interpretive dancing will help me dance off the stress of being a dentist.  I think people will still be pretty wound up about going to the dentist on the Moon, but I'll help 'em.  I'll show 'em they don't hafta be afraid.  And I'll be so awesome a dentist that people will call me a 'Rockstar'.  So I'll still have that portion of my dream, whether or not I am an actual singing and drumming rock star. 

Now, a complicating factor of my Grand Plan is that Mommy says she doesn't wanna live on the moon.  She says she's okay visiting, but she doesn't wanna live there.  And I don't wanna be without Mommy.  So here's what'll happen: Between now and then, I'll just invent me a teleporter to teleport me to the moon and back every day for my work as an interpretive dancing dentist, and then at the end of the day, I'll teleport back to Mommy's to be there in time for dinner.  How about that?!

It's good to have dreams, Friends.  My dream for tomorrow is seeing you, right back here.  I love ya lots!  Muah!

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