
Monday, August 18, 2014

My Monday-Proof Bunker!

I'd send ya a post card, but then I'd hafta leave my bunker!
Hiya, Friends!  Well, it's Monday again.  I'm not gonna have a Miserable Monday.  No.  I know I preach against Miserable Mondays all the time, and I'm not gonna succumb to Miserable Monday Syndrome.  Not this girl!

That doesn't mean I'm above taking some precautions.  For instance, today, I felt like today COULD become a Miserable Monday if I let it, so I've elected to spend the day inside my Monday-Proof Bunker! 

Outside my Monday-Proof Bunker's walls, Monday can be happening all over the place. 

Inside my Monday-Proof Bunker, it's always at least Thursday afternoon or Friday.  Not Saturday, though.  Because I'm in a bunker, after all.  I've gotta get at least a little work done in here, don't you think, Friends?

If I didn't get at least a little work done in here, then every day would be Unemployedsday.  Talk as big a game as you want to on that, subject, Friends, but when push comes to shove, nobody likes that.  In the end, money wins out, and you wanna work.  At least I do.  My PEZ candies aren't gonna buy themselves!


Anyway, Friends!  I hope if you need to spend your Monday in a bunker like mine, you can do so.  If not, at least put on some fun music and I'll be seein' you tomorrow!  I love ya lots!  Muah!

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