
Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Kid-O-Rama versus Little Kid Gourmet

When it comes to stores, I like to  make new friends, but keep the old!
Hiya, Friends!  There's a new grocery store in town.  It's called the Kid-O-Rama, and I'm so excited to get to go shoppin' there today. 

Now, the happy thing, as far as I'm concerned, is that I have the choice to shop at the Little Kid Gourmet OR at the Kid-O-Rama.  I love having choices!

Each kid-oriented grocery store has its strengths.  For instance, the produce is better at Little Kid Gourmet.  And they have the BEST Marshmallow Salad, bar none.  Plus, their Mac-N-Cheese Bar is bigger than some other grocery store's whole entire grocery store!  (I'm talking about you, Baby Bodega!)  Nothing wrong with the little guys, but when I shop, I SHOP, Friends.  And I like to make one stop.  So I gravitate to stores like Little Kid Gourmet and now Kid-O-Rama.

I know it sounds like Little Kid Gourmet has won my heart, and you'd be hearing right.  I LOVE that store.  HOWEVER, Kid-O-Rama isn't without its merits.  Kid-O-Rama is literally one-stop-shopping.  I can go in there after salt potatoes and come out with those, and also a new outfit, a new wall clock for my bedroom, and a new corral for the Little Giraffes. 

That's something that Little Kid Gourmet just can't offer, and I wouldn't want it to.  There's a place in my heart for both big stores, Friends. 

When it comes to stores and shopping experiences, I do like to keep my options open.  I like to try new things, but I always go back to my favorites.  I even like to shop at Baby Bodega, every so often, when I need something specific that they have.  Boom.  I can go right to it on the shelf.

So keep your options open, always, Friends.  That's just good kid-sense!  I love the heck right outta ya, and I'll see ya tomorrow, mmmmkay?  Muah!

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