
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Well, How 'Bout This Weather?!

It's a marshmella world out there, Friends!
Hiya, Friends!  Happy Sunday to you!

Hey.  I wanted to talk to you about the weird turn of the weather we experienced this weekend.  I went to bed on Friday, and it was Springtime, woke up on Saturday, and it was Winter!

I'll tell ya what.  It sure did cause a kerfuffle at Donut Dude's!  We've been elbow-deep in our Springtime Promotion with our donuts and beverages, and all the snow just threw everybody for a loop!  Thing of it is, the donut-makers hafta get to makin' the donuts EARLY in the morning, which is to say, practically in the middle of the dang ol' night, so it isn't like they can just switch from Spring to Winter with a snap of their fingers!

Except they kinda did, Friends.  Boyo boy, our donut-makers sure think quickly on their feet!  When they found out that it snowed, they took all the pretty pastel donuts and cookies for our bake shoppes and sprinkled sprinkly sugar over all the flower-shaped decorations in the icings.  And when ya order one of our springtime hot or cold beverages and order a squirta whip for up on top, they sprinkle the whip with sprinkly sugar, too!

Not only is it festive and appropriate for the weather at hand, but it's practical, too.  All that extra sugar helps ya stay warm!  Hahahahahaha!

Friends, I love ya lots!  Don't worry about the arrival of this wintry weather.  As they say, it'll never last.  It'll be back to springtime before we even know it, and the air will be filled with the smell of fresh-cut grass. 

I'll see ya tomorrow!  Muah!

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