
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I'm Like UniKitty!

I don't like followin' instructions, either, UniKitty!
Friends, have you ever seen The LEGO Movie?  In that movie, there's a really, really cool MasterBuilder named UniKitty, who's part kitty and part unicorn. 

Besides being really cool and pink and sparkly, which is something I can really respect, the sparkly pinkness, UniKitty dislikes directions and instructions and flouts them.  UniKitty built a beautiful, rainbowey, sparkly world where there ARE no rules, and to me, it looked like a blocky, sparkly utopia!

Until the bad guys from President Business's tower came and blew up UniKitty's beautiful, utopian, anything-goes world!

I think of all the characters in the LEGO Movie, I really relate to UniKitty.  I like to be happy and positive and not to follow the instructions for anything (I can- I just don't like it!).  I like sparkliness!

You know who I didn't like in that movie?  The Micro-Managers.  Those guys stink. They do EVERYTHING President Business tells 'em to do.  And they aren't even pink and sparkly.  I cannot respect somebody like that.

So Friends, I know there's times when I hafta follow instructions, but I wanna do it in as pink and sparkly a manner as possible.  Right, Friends?  Hey.  I'll see ya tomorrow!  Muah!

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