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Why...can't we be talking about this through email? |
Don't get me wrong. A lot of good ideas can be generated in a meeting, with all that face-to-face time and energy! Why, one time Sabretooth and I decided we oughtta have donuts in the conference room at least once a week, and that came about during a sidebar conversation he and I were having during a meeting about which way the toilet paper rolls oughtta be installed in the company bathrooms.
But the meetings this week have generated no such serendipitous and wonderful ideas. They've pretty much been toilets down which we've just flushed our time. Meetings training us on things we already know how to do (filling out TPS Reports). Meetings training us on things that are so intuitive, we really hadn't ought to need formal instructions (the new hand dryers in the company bathrooms). Meetings training us on things for which we have a whole MANUAL on how to do, that is actually informative and easy to read and contains informational information and clear, useful graphics... if only people would READ the manual...
So we've been slogged with a buncha meetings that keep us from doing our actual work, which we then hafta stay after and ketchup on, or take home and ketchup on.
I'd say a lot of this stuff that the Powers that Be think we need to have meetings for could be done through emails, and I suggested that, but you know what happened? They called a meeting to train us on proper procedures to use when we conduct meetings through email, right down to the things we're allowed to type and what we aren't.
Friends, I don't know about you, but this kid's just about ready to tell Corporate America to take my job and... um.... love it. Take this job and love it, is what I was going to say, because that is on the approved list of things I'm allowed to say about my job.
Dang it. Friends, I've gotta go. Apparently something I just did triggered the need for me to meet and be trained on proper workaday attitude. I'll see ya tomorrow. Here's hoping for a less bureaucratic and pedantic tomorrow! I love ya lots! Muah!
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