Things change. I can deal with change. I think? |
Well, Friends, if ya didn't like my post from yesterday, then you'll wanna just close this browser window and come back tomorrow, because I'm still on this thing about havin' to go to School in two years. Sorry. But it's a very dire issue in my life right now, and I've gotta talk it out. If ya think you can stick around and listen to me, I thank you kindly.
Friends, I had a talk with Mommy yesterday after I finished my blog post. We talked about New Routines and how to settle into them, and pretty soon, those New Routines become The Routine, and you can't imagine your life without 'em.
Mommy told me a story about how before I was born, she was used to her life bein' a certain way... boring, if you want my unvarnished opinion on it... You see, before Me, it was just Rozzie-n-Mommy here during the day. Aside from Rozzie's barking, it was Quiet. There weren't toys in every room of the house. If Mommy wanted to go somewheres, she could just up and drive off and go, and she wouldn't hafta think of anybody else. She and Daddy could just decide to go on trips if they wanted to.
Would you believe that she had no idea of any of the shows on Disney Junior, or that there even was a channel such as Disney Junior?! That right there just blew the backa my head right off, learnin' that.
And then I came along, and Mommy had to get up in the night to make sure I wasn't hungry or wet. She had to feed me at regular intervals, handle my diapering needs, make sure I got quality rest in my swing, and if I cried for no apparent reason, she had to give me lotsa hugs, when maybe she'd rather be picking up and just going somewheres for the day. And she said that when she DID venture out with Baby Me, she had to take the baby seat, and the stroller, and the big diaper bag and a buncha nursette bottles of formula, and blankets, and a soft toy for me to hug... Goodness, I know she was just doing it for effect, but she sure made it sound like the first few weeks with Me were Quite Something!
Mommy told me that the first few weeks I was around, she wondered if she was up to the challenge. She said she wondered why she even got herself into this to start with. And then, she said, after a few weeks, she couldn't imagine her life without havin' to take care of me, and it wasn't a bad thing. She got so she missed me in the night, when I started sleepin' longer.
Mommy says she bets it'll be the same way for me and school. At first, I'll wonder what I've gotten myself into, and then I won't be able to imagine my life without it. I'll just hafta see if it's really that way. But I'm not gonna dwell on it, and I'm not gonna decide I don't like it before I even get there.
I think it's all gonna be okay, Friends. I sure hope it's all gonna be okay.
Thank you for listening. I love ya lots! Muah!