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Proud to be an American! |
I just wanna take a moment and think about how proud I am to be an American. I can't imagine living anywheres else. I take it for granted that I can expect to be safe, that I can move freely from my hometown to a neighboring hometown or even to another state, like when I go to the Texas Hot in Downtown Wellsville. I get to take it for granted that I will have Enough. Some Little Kids in this world do not get to take Safety or Enough for granted.
Even though we have our differences in the dang ol' US of A, especially every four years, Friends, we still live in a wonderful place. We live in a place that those Little Kids around the world who cannot count on being safe, let alone take it for granted that they will be safe, those Little Kids think of America as some fabulous fairytale land, even to this day. We aren't perfect here, but boyo boy, compared to some places, we sure are close. And that we can say it isn't perfect here just shows how good it is here. In some places, people starve, but they hafta pretend like they have enough, and they hafta pretend that everything is hunky dory. We don't hafta do that here.
It's Memorial Day. It's the day where we need to think about why we have these freedoms. We need to think about who paid for our freedoms. We need to remember all the men and women and children who fought for our freedoms and died for them. Because the more free something is, the more expensive it is. There are bands playing in cemeteries all over the country today, to honor those who died, and it's important to honor and remember. That's where those brave people rest.
They're also all around us. They're in the warm rays of sunlight. They're in the rustle of leaves in a breeze. They're in a friend's smile. They're riding on clouds in the sky. Everywhere we go, everywhere we turn, they're there, reminding us that our freedom isn't free, and whispering to us not to let go of the freedom they paid such a steep price for.
Have a good Memorial Day, Friends. I'll be back tomorrow!
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