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If ya project friendliness, ya get it back a dozen times over! |
Well, ya know, I'm a kid who likes to be friendly and make friends wherever I go.
I make friends of other kids I meet. I make friends with cashiers at the stores I visit. I make friends with the people who bring me my food in restaurants.
In all my years, Big People, one of the most important things I've learned is that the world is like a big mirror, and it reflects what ya put out into it!
Pay attention the next time you're Out In Public, Friends. Smile at someone who isn't smilin' and see what happens. I'd betchya dollars to donuts that ya get a smile back, and all the ice starts breakin'. And you know how seriously I take my donuts!
It works the other way, too, Friends. I've seen it. I've seen what happens when someone who's smilin' and laughin' gets frowned at or sneered at or fussed at. It puts out their smile, just like if ya blow out a candle. It's so sad. Don't go out in the world and try that. Don't go out into the world and yell and wave your arms and be blustery. You'll put out the lights of other people's smiles, and everybody will be left in the dark.
That's why bein' friendly is my fravrite, Friends.
I love ya lots, Friends! Help light other people up, so everything can be warm and friendly and happy, insteadda blustery and angry, mmmkay?
Be good. I'll ketchup with ya tomorrow! Muah!