Sometimes, I feel outta whack! |
You know something, Friends? The closer I get to Age Two, and I'll tell ya what, I'm REALLY close today, the more I feel like I'm all outta kilter. I feel like my up is down, my down is up, there's all kinds of feelings I don't have words for yet, let alone the know-how to process 'em, and sometimes, I just wind up spooling up into this thing that feels like a twisty cloud of angriness or something.
I say 'or something,' because it isn't quite anger, but I'm sure mad about feeling the way I feel. And when Mommy asks me what's the matter, all's I can say is "I don't know! But it's something!"
Or, that's what I WOULD say if I weren't so busy wailing and flailing.
I don't know what's wrong with me, Friends, but I don't like it.
I don't know why it happens, I really don't! |
Sometimes, I know why I flip out. It's because I'm overtired and hungry, and I get to a point where I know there's no making me happy. It never happens here at home, because at home, I have sort of a routine. I like routines. But when we're Out'n'About, I don't wanna sleep and miss out on anything. Sometimes, I hafta wait a little too long before I get to eat anything. I'm sure you remember me telling about the day up at Bully Hill when I flipped the heck out. I was overtired and hungry. I don't like to flip out like that, but at least I knew why it was happening, and more importantly, Mommy and Daddy knew why it was happening, and they hurried around so I could get back to the car and they could get me on my way, where I did eventually fall asleep and woke up feeling much better.
It's so disturbing to me, though, when the Snarlies hit me at home, for no apparent reason. And I look at Mommy like she has an answer for me, and she's looking back at me as puzzled as I feel like I look, and then I know I'm just Uppa Creek.
I'm just sittin' here, realigning my chakras! |
Mommy tells me not to worry or overreact to feeling all flippy, because it's just a Two thing, and it'll pass. I appreciate that, that she doesn't treat me like some psychopath kid, yelling back at me or punishing me for something I can't really help. When we're at home, and the Snarlies strike for no apparent reason, she lets my storm run its course. "Toddler Tornado" she calls it. Eventually, it just spins out.
Something I've realized helps me some, when I'm here at home, is taking myself to a quiet place and sitting down. I can feel myself realign. A few minutes in a quiet place, a few deep breaths, telling myself 'It's okay, Zozie!' and everything is right as rain again for me.
I think you Big People call this "Time Out." That's fine. The point I'm making here is that I go to Time Out on my own, not because my Big People tell me to. I get out of sorts. I put myself back in-sorts. In this sense, Time Out isn't a punishment for me. It's where I go to quiet the storm. It makes me feel empowered, Friends. It makes me feel like I'm closer to being One Of You.
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