
Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Day I Magicked The Blender

I'm bored!  I'm gonna enchant something!  Hi, Blender!
Friends, I'm still waiting on my acceptance letter to Hogwarts, or whatever the United States equivalent is to Hogwarts.  I don't even know where the Hogwarts equivalent in the United States is located.  I bet it's somewhere in New England, so I s'pose when I get my acceptance letter, I'll hafta practice being all Yankee and preppy and forget how to pronounce "park the car." 

That's neither here nor there, because if I get such an acceptance letter, it's a few years off, and also, I'm not talking about whatever the United States equivalent to Hogwarts is.  I'm talking about something I did the other day with my Magic Basting Brush, which is the training-wheels type device before you get a real magic wand.

You see, I was standing in the kitchen, waiting for Mommy to get my Mac'n'Cheese all cooked, and if you want the honest story, I got a little bored.  Easy enough to do, right, Friends? 

So I picked up my Magic Basting Brush, pointed it at the Blender, and *POOF!!!*  the Blender turned into an eddy, a sucking, swirling, dangerous whirlpool with TEETH!  Oh no!

Ooops! Friends, if you could see what I just did, you'd be terrified!
Thing of it is, the Blender Whirlpool started chomping the kitchen counter, and they're made of ROCK!  The cupboards were no match.  I didn't know what to do!  I'm just starting to get proficient with my Magic Basting Brush!  I didn't know you could turn an unassuming household appliance into a voracious vortex of doom!

Well, of course I couldn't tell Mommy what I did.  That's just the kind of thing that makes Mommy grouchy, when appliances go on a rampage, especially if I instigated it.  So I got to wondering what I could do to stop the Blender myself.

I looked around.  Throwing in a knife seemed the exact wrong thing to do, and besides, I'm too little to handle the knives, and they're kept way up high.  I coulda enchanted my step-stool to grow like a toadstool so I could reach, but considering what happened with the blender, you'll understand my reticence.  I knew this was a job too big for the roll of Bounty to handle, and just when I was getting ready to toss in a teatowel, maybe just to tide the Blender Monster over, I grabbed a bowl of Lentil Salad instead. 

Whew!  That was a close one!
Now, I like Lentil Salad.  It has carrots, and a little hot pepper in it, and lime... it's very good.  And nutritious!  But these were desperate times, so I hurled that bowl of Lentil Salad into the swirling, whirling Voracious Vortex of Doom, and all of a sudden, it burped, then hiccoughed, then spit the bowl back out, and everything turned back to the way it was before.  The cupboards built themselves back.  Everything inside re-stacked itself.  The countertops re-formed, and the blender stopped whirring and settled back into its spot.

Later on, after I'd enjoyed my Mac'n'Cheese and fruit and milk, I looked it up on the World Wide Web to see if anybody else has had troubles like this with their Magic Basting Brush, and sure enough, all the other little kids had to do was throw in a legume of some sort, and the vortex calmed right back down.  I guess it's the protein and fiber in the legumes that makes everything all better. 

All I know is that next time I enchant something in the kitchen, I'll pick a more innocuous, less dangerous appliance!  Yes I will!

See ya tomorrow, Friends!  I love ya!  Muah!

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