What I wouldn't give for a two-story inflatable black cat! |
Hiya, Big People! Happy Wednesday to you!
So! How's it goin'?
Well, ya know, I'm a kid who loves all the holidays, especially those that run through the Fall. I call the whole entire season Falloween. I'm sure I'm not the first person to call this season Falloween. At least I'm not saying everything is Spooktacular. If you're wondering why that annoys me so, it obviously hasn't started in earnest for this Spooktacular Falloween Season yet, but just you wait. I'm gonna check in with ya in a month, and we'll talk again about Spooktacular.
I've been to the dang ol' Lowes a lot lately, and they're just perfectly decked out with all kindsa decorations. There's a life-size Creepy Countess that talks and her eyes light up red, and I kinda want one, but Mommy says probably not, on accounta the Creepy Countess is so very life-size and nearly life-like, and we might forget she's there and come downstairs in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning, or come home from an expedition to be greeted by the Creepy Countess, and as we might not be thinking that she's even there at first, her presence might make us lose control of our bladder and bowel functions, if you know what I mean.
I do understand. I'm not a kid who gets creeped out very easily, but I do know that there's a difference in the way things look in the broad daylight and in the dusky light of night. So I'm okay with no Creepy Countesses or Grim Reapers that ya hang up outside, or any of those window-peeper decorations. Nothing to make it look like there's somebody in our yard. I get it.
However, there are these wonderful inflatable decorations that are just the right amount of spooky- cartoonishly spooky, or maybe even downright cute. I just love 'em! They're big, they light up, some of 'em move, some of 'em even make noise. I've had my eye on this big Black Widow Spider they have at Lowes. I also liked Dracula's Castle, the big Frankenstein's Monster, the blow-up bat, and all the inflatable, giant jack-o-lanterns. I even saw a two-story inflatable black cat decoration that I really, really want, because it reminds me of my pal Buddy the Cat!
Mommy says she really likes those inflatable decorations, too. She says they're just the right mix of macabre and marvelous. She says she loves the visual impact each one would impart upon a Falloween scene.
But we can't have any.
You see, our town where we live is extremely windy. Wind-swept heights.
Wuthering heights, if you will. (Yes, I've read
Wuthering Heights- it's in board-book form!) Unfortunately for us and any inflatable holiday decorations we would adopt, the wind is strong enough that it would come along and rip the inflatables from their moorings. If we were to tie them down even more, even tighter, as I suggested, they'd probably rip beyond repair.
So I'll just hafta admire the inflatable Falloween decorations from a distance, or from the car as I ride past and spy them in other people's yards. It's okay. I can make peace with that.
If YOU have inflatable Falloween decorations, Friends, let me know, and I'll ride past and look at 'em!
I love ya lots! I'll be seein' ya tomorrow, mmmkay? Muah!