What if all the unique and beautiful snowflakes just worked together? |
Hiya, Big People! It's Saturday and it's Christmas Eve!
Today, I'd like to pause and think about what I'd really like for Christmas, if I could have anything I wanted.
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking this is gonna be a post begging for the Barbie Dream House. I cannot blame you for thinking this is where I'm heading with this, but it is not.
No. After the year 2016 has been, the thing I wish I could ask for and get is that we all just get along, like we would if aliens invaded Earth and we all had to band together or face certain extinction. Sorry, I know that took a dark turn there, and I do NOT want aliens to invade Earth. I just want us to all get along as though that were the case, but without the actual alien invasion.
I like my aliens friendly and not all murderous.
Anyways, a lotta strife that happens around this blue marble we call home is because we all like to tell each other what to do and how to live, and if someone doesn't do or live exactly the way we do, it ruffles our hair all up and we get mad at 'em. We assume that the only way to see, process, and move along, is OUR way, and everything else that isn't OUR way is invalid. If someone looks different than us, they're not as much a person as us. If someone eats different foods than us, or foods we don't like, they're wrong. When people make decisions about what to do with their lives, and they don't go along with the choices WE make, or we WOULD make if we were in their situation, they're wrong.
Wars have been started over this, Friends.
And if I could, I'd ask that we just put a stop to all of that. I'd ask that we could all just listen and learn from each other, insteadda assumin' we know what each other's up to, and it's all bad, bad, bad. I'd ask that we could all realize that someone else doesn't hafta fail so we can succeed. There's enough to go around. One people's idea of success is different from another people's idea, and that should be really fine.
I'd just ask that we could all get along, Friends! Consider the snowman, Big People. A snowman is made up of millions and millions of special and unique and beautiful snowflakes that work together toward one common goal- bein' a beautiful and solid snowman! Maybe the snowflakes know they won't be around forever, but they do their darndest to sparkle and shine while they're here. And even though from a distance, all anybody sees is this big, beautiful, solid snowman, up close, maybe under a microscope, each little unique and beautiful snowflake is still there, doing its thing in all its crystalline glory, still unique, still beautiful, but working together with the others, insteadda tryin' to stand out as the MOST unique and the MOST beautiful.
Friends, it's Christmas Eve. I love ya all right to pieces. I love ya all so much. We all have so much to learn from each other. We all have so much we can do for each other. Could we just try it for a bit?
And also, if you see my folks, I still really DO want that Barbie Dream House. It lights up and everything.
Hey. I'll see ya tomorrow. Christmas! Are ya ready? Sleep tight tonight! Muah!