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On Thursdays, I practice my chop-stickery! |
Well, ya know, I like to think of myself as quite a metropolitan kid, even if I do live in a little tiny town nobody's heard of, so when I had the opportunity to learn how to use chop-sticks, I jumped at the chance.
Chopsticks are so much handier to eat sushi with than usin' a spork, you know? I mean, what if I'm sittin' there in Wegmans Market Cafe, eatin' sushi with my hands, and catch the eye of another Little Kid there, who knows how to maneuver chopsticks, and they think I'm some kind of barbarian from the Bing?
Can't have that!
So I've taken it upon myself to learn to use chopsticks. I have a special set of chopsticks with finger guides that Aunt Colleen and Uncle Lorentz brought me back from Korea before I was even born, that I've been usin' to pick up little tiny bean-like chicks in a game that Mommy got before I was even born. I've gotten pretty good at it, too!
I figure that if I can pick up a hard plastic bean-shaped chick, or one that looks like an M&M, or one that is kinda triangular shaped, I can definitely get to usin' chopsticks to pick up real food, because real food has a little squoosh to it, makin' it a lot easier to grip with a paira chopsticks!
Friends, when ya really get down to it, usin' chopsticks is like usin' a pair of really skinny tongs that isn't connected at the top usually. It takes some practice, but I'm gonna get good at it!
I love ya lots, and I'll be seein' ya tomorrow! Be good and learn something new! Muah!
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