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Friends, learn to take a compliment, mmmkay? |
Hey. I have something important that I wanna say to you today, Friends. Everybody's always tellin' me how to act, and what to say and what not to say (I'm still stinging over the banning of boogie-talk from the table. I really am, and I'll admit it readily!), but you know what? There's something that you Big People need to learn to do that I'm actually pretty terrific at doing, but you Big People need a refresher course on how to do:
Taking a compliment.
No, it's true! I see it all the time when I'm out-n-about. You Big People can't take a compliment gracefully at all, and it bugs the heckle and jeckel right out of me.
For instance, somebody says to you "I LOVE your outfit!" and you say "Oh, this old thing?" Or they tell ya you look really nice today, and you'll say 'Oh, I hardly got any sleep.' Or they'll say that you're havin' a GREAT hair day, and you reply by saying you've got split ends/ frizz/ visible roots / a bird's nest going on.
Grownups, why do you do that?!
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It can feel awkward at first, but I'm here to help! |
Now then. I think as people, whether Big or Toddler, we all like to give people compliments. We all like to receive 'em, too, but in that respect, we need to be better about accepting hearing nice things about ourselves and our efforts.
You can start out by saying "Thank you" when someone tells you you've got cute shoes, nice hair, that you cooked a great meal, etc. Just a simple 'Thank You!' and then move on, if it makes you feel uncomfortable.
The other night, I was wearin' my Zebra and Hot Pink Tutu-Dress, and more than one Big Person said "Isn't that an ADORABLE dress?" and I said "Yes, it is!" People laughed at me like what I'd said was so precocious, but here's the thing: my Zebra and Hot Pink Tutu-Dress IS adorable. I saw it on the Internet one day while I was sitting on Mommy's lap, and it caught my eye, because it was so adorable, and I told her I wanted it. She said the price was right, and I've gotten a lot of wear out of my adorable Zebra and Hot Pink Tutu-Dress. So, by agreeing with the person who said my dress was adorable, I'm not being conceited or letting my head get too big. I'm simply acknowledging that I agree with them.
Also, the other night, I was asked if I'm a little sweetie, and I said "I am a sweetie." Before you get up on your "You're Conceited!!!" high-horse, and start wondering if I'm gonna go on Toddlers'n'Tiaras soon, the answer is no. The Big People in my life tell me all the time that I'm a little sweetie, so when I'm asked if I'm such, of course the answer's yes. I didn't start callin' myself a little sweetie, but I DO listen to what the Grownups tell me I am. Saying 'No, I am not a little sweetie' makes about as much sense as saying 'No, I am not a girl,' if someone were to ask me if I'm a girl. That isn't conceited. That's just acknowledging what I've been told all this time.
In the Grown-up world, though, if faced with a compliment like that, you could just smile and say 'Thank you.' 'Thank You' is kind of a great all-purpose response to compliments, Friends.
Well, think about it. Think about how it looks to someone giving you a compliment, if you reject their compliment. Say they tell you that they really like your sweater, and you say 'Oh, this? I don't know. The color of it makes me look washed out, it shows every roll, cuts me off right at my widest spot, and besides, it's itchy!' Well, what's really happened here is that someone put themselves out on a limb and by telling you they like your sweater, the very one that you're wearing today, they've gone and given you a glimpse into their taste, their aesthetic sense, and by rejecting their compliment outright, you're really saying to them 'You have horrible taste in sweaters, Bucko.'
That's kinda rude, isn't it?
Big People, when someone compliments your sweater, your hair, your house, your smile, your personality... When someone gives you any kind of compliment, just smile and say 'Thank you.' I realize that accepting a compliment with my level of enthusiasm might feel really, really weird and uncomfortable to you, but you can always accept the compliment given to you without the chance of lookin' conceited if you just smile and say 'Thank you.'
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You did it, Friends! Great job taking a compliment! |
Now. Friends, I think you're really courageous for learning how to take a compliment, after years-n-years of being programmed that taking a compliment is big-headed. I really admire you for thinking enough of yourself to agree with someone when they tell you they think something about you, or even YOU are great.
What did you just say? What did you just do?
I sure hope you smiled, relaxed your shoulders, and said "Thank you, Zoe!"
All right, Friends! I love the heck right outta ya! I'll see ya tomorrow! Remember, smile and say 'Thank you!' when people letchya hear nice things about yourself! Muah!
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