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I feel like I've been standin' in a hurricane after this week! |
Right off the bat on Monday, Rozzie had to go to the vet and have her ear surgerized. She had something called a hematoma. I don't really know what that is, but I do know that part of Rozzie's ear swelled up. And then more of her ear swelled up, and Mommy said it was time to go and get that helped.
I don't really know much about what all went on on Monday, because I got to go to Gramma's and play. I LOVE goin' to Gramma's. She recently acquired a Daniel Tiger Trolley play set, and I love Daniel Tiger and Trolley, so I like to go play with my Neighborhood of Make-Believe friends whenever I get the chance!
But I'll admit that I was awful worried about Rozzie on Monday. Mommy came and got me Monday night, and I thought I'd see Rozzie's smiling face when I got home to my house, but she wasn't there. I started to get REALLY worried. I mean, I'm usedta Rozzie goin' and spendin' the day at her doctor's. She gets a special bath every month, and we take her over, drop her off, and then go and get her before suppertime. It wasn't like that on Monday, so my cage was rattled.
Imagine my relief on Tuesday, when I got to go to the vet hospital with Mommy. I love goin' to the vet's! They have this enormous fishtank in the waiting room, and I love to count the fish. Now that I've seen Finding Nemo, I'm fascinated by fish tanks, because I always wonder if the fish wanna escape from their tank. Or maybe they're happy. It's hard to tell with fish.
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Rozzie's predicament had me really worried, Friends! |
The doctor asked me if I wanted to see some bunnies, and of COURSE I wanted to see some bunnies.
This isn't to be confused with Mommy and Daddy thinking I wanted to see the bunnies at the mall when I really wanted to see the monies in the fountain. When I go to the animal hospital, I have a different set of expectations than I do when I go to the mall, so I fully expected to see actual bunnies at the vet's.
I wasn't disappointed, either! There was this really sweet lop-eared bunny, and I got to pet him and feed him and his two guinea pig friends CARROTS! How about that?! Bunnies and guinea pigs really love carrots!
You know what? The doctor said I could take home that bunny and his guinea pig friends. I thought that was so cool! And don't you know, in the face of anything cool and neat and exactly what I wanna do, Mommy laughed and pretended that she suddenly couldn't speak the English.
That darn Mommy! I had names picked out, and everything. I was gonna call the guinea pigs "Mango" and "Tango," after my favorite flavor of lollipop, and I was gonna call the bunny "Lerbert," in honor of the lobster I can't have, on accounta me bein' allergic to lobster dander and all. But thanks to Mommy, it isn't meant to be.
Mommy messes up everything for me. She really does!
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Be careful out there, Friends! Whatta week it's been! |
And then, how about that storm we had on Wednesday, Friends?! Did you get any of it where you are? It sure was crazy weather where I live. Our MAILBOX got frozen shut! Can you believe that? Our whole MAILBOX!
I feel like the week can't be done with us, so I'm kinda holdin' my breath for today. Friday the Fourteenth, you know. It's a day you wanna be on the lookout for.
I'll be seein' you again tomorrow. I love ya lots, Friends! Muah!
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