So! How's it going?
Well, I'll tell ya, it's been quite a week for me. My pal Rozzie was sick. Did you even know that dogs can get viruses off from us? It's true! Dogs will catch more from their people than their people will catch from dogs.
I was very worried about my pal Rozzie. She didn't wanna drink her water. She didn't wanna eat her food. She didn't wanna eat her cookies. She didn't wanna eat my food.
She did, however, wanna eat her Greenies. That's all that she wanted to eat.
Mommy took my pal Rozzie to the vet's on Thursday, and Rozzie had a buncha gunk in her lungs. So she got some medicine, and started feeling better right quick!
It reminds me of the time I got a Really Bad Cold that gave me an ear infection, cough, and pink-eye. I felt like chewed-up gum that had been outside in the sun, then frozen, then back in the sun, then drove over by a big truck. And as soon as I started takin' my pink shake-up medicine from outta the fridge, I got to feelin' much better.
Back to Rozzie. She's feelin' much better and acting like her Usual Self. I am so happy about that. Because you know why? Whenever I'm feelin' bad or sad or off, Rozzie's there for me, making sure I pet her head. I think it's because she knows that petting her and hugging her makes me feel better when I'm feeling bad, and she wants me to feel better. Plus, she likes to be petted and hugged and loved, too.
It reminds me of the Daniel Tiger song, "Taking care of you, makes me happy, too!"
That's what we get when we have a cat or dog or pet in our lives, Big People! So go hugga pet, mmmkay? You'll feel great! I love ya lots, and I'll see ya tomorrow. Muah!
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