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I can't bring color back into the world all by myself, Big People. Not even with rainbow legs. |
I first heard about Scraps when I started playin' a video game called Tearaway: Unfolded. It's a great but underrated game.
The Scraps take all the color out of the paper world depicted within Tearaway and turn it all to scrappy-lookin' newsprint. They're malicious little bein's, or so it seems throughout much of the game. I help the Messenger named Atoi bring the color back, by rollin' the things the Scraps have touched and turnin' it all back colorful, and also by gettin' rid of the Scraps.
Boyo Boy, before I played through the game the first time, I sure hated those Scraps.
But then, I learned why they act the way they do. The King of the Scraps wants a glittery crown. All that time, he and the other Scraps caused all that trouble over a glittery crown. So the Messenger and I gave the King of the Scraps a glittery crown, and guess what? The Scraps and their King threw a party and then went away. It didn't hurt me or the Messenger to give the King of the Scraps a glittery crown. It eliminated the Scrap insurgency right quick. And I was able to bring the Messenger to my world, and reunite my pal Crunchy the baby Roaring Wendigo with his Mama.
We had all kindsa time to do lots of other things, when our time wasn't taken up fighting the Scraps over what amounted to nothing.
Thing of it is, I'm startin' to feel like the Scraps have infiltrated our world, the real world. Seems like everywhere I go, there's people who just want to suck the color and life and fun out of everything. And maybe that's just their purpose in life. I don't think it is, though. I believe that there are very few people who wanna go out of their ways to make everybody else miserable, and those people, ya just can't do anything about, except not rise to their game, because ya just won't win it. Everybody else who acts like the Scraps, though, I think they act that way because they've had an unpleasant encounter with one of the people who are Truly Scrap. And it's hurt 'em. Maybe made 'em question the way they see the world. Made 'em question if they're really a nice person or not, or a person who deserves to be happy.
They've had the color and the life and the fun and the glitter just sucked right out of 'em by one of these Truly Scraps.
That's why I really go out of my way to be kind, Friends. I'm just tryin' to keep the Truly Scraps at bay from spreadin' the scrap-ness and colorlessness in our world. But I can't do it alone. I need your help. Can you just one day see how things are different when you don't take the bait from someone who's tryin' to get you all stirred up? Can you just one day try to see 'em as a victim of the Scraps, who's had their color drained all out of 'em? And that you can help fix it, if ya just show 'em a little kindness?
I don't like to preach atchya, but I really need your help, Friends. Be kind to one another. If ya have a choice between bein' kind and not gettin' in a good zinger on someone or gettin' that zinger and bruising their soul, please, please, PLEASE choose kindness just for one day. I beg you.
I love ya lots, Friends, but we all have some serious soul-work to do right now. Let's work together! I'll see ya tomorrow! Muah!"
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